Finance Officer

The success of an organization, to a large extent, lies in its skill to coordinate efficiently the human and non-human resources to achieve the organization’s goals. The Finance Department of St. Norbert School, since its inception in 2014, has been playing a crucial role in bringing the school to the level of international standard. Realizing the wisdom contained in the dictum “a healthy mind can exist only in a healthy body”, the Finance Department of St. Norbert School has meticulously worked to augment the culture of teaching and learning by providing state-of-the-art facilities for the school. 

When it comes to the question of quality, the school makes no compromise. From the façade of the school to the effective delivery of lessons in classrooms, the Finance Department pays relentless and punctilious attention so that the teaching-learning process takes place in an atmosphere of conduciveness to learning, bolstered by a stimulating environment and cutting-edge technology. The Finance Department resists any form of enticement to cut corners if the quality of academics is perceived to be under threat, and the learners’ spirit of learning is dampened by the dearth of suitable infrastructure, both inside and outside classrooms.

 Though thriftiness and parsimony are good practices where spending money is concerned, St. Norbert School does not shilly-shally to harness all its available resources to promote the welfare of the students who, we firmly believe, are the future pillars of our nation, nay the global leaders of a highly competitive and fast transforming world. Getting St. Norbert School in the vanguard of modern education providers is our long-cherished dream, and indeed, before long, we will earn that envied position.

 Rev.Fr. Johnson Thonikuzhiyil

 The Finance Officer

 St. Norbert School, Bangalore